Archive for: July 1st, 2012

Four Months

Jul 01 2012 Published by under After NICU


Jack’s now 4 months old, though his corrected gestational age is 2 months. He’s finally in newborn size clothes, weighs 8.5 lbs. and is 19.5″ long. He loves to eat, putting on the pounds as fast as he can. Where he once was alarmed at any touch, as are most preemies, he now prefers to be held than on his own in his bassinet.
He’ll celebrate his four months on the outside with a trip to the pediatric cardiologist to check on his atrial septal defect that should be steadily closing on its own, and he’ll follow up with a doctor with the neonatal intensive care unit to make sure he’s hitting benchmarks as he should. We have tickets home to Kenya for mid July and these follow ups will help us determine if our timing is okay.

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