Archive for: May 1st, 2012

Happy 2 Months!

May 01 2012 Published by under third month

So close! For what I think may be the third time, Jack should be coming home any day. After the last concern with the norovirus, he no longer shows any symptoms! And he passed his hearing screen yesterday. Today we worked on scheduling a follow up pediatrician visit after his discharge. We celebrated his two month birthday yesterday, and anticipated spending most of his third month together as a family.

Yet, just when the Big Day seemed within grasp, it slipped away with more news. Jack’s breathing is labored again, there’s a trace of fluid in his lungs. His baby sounds seem congested, at least more than just his usual grunting.

The reports show nothing conclusive. Yet, for the sake of cautiousness, we’re back to waiting. And continuing to pray.

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