Archive for: December 19th, 2011

Staying in Nairobi

Dec 19 2011 Published by under Prologue

Breanna felt fine, but we also knew it could change. This weighed on us as we prayed and saught advice about whether we should stay in Nairobi.

In some ways, Loki is less stressful than Nairobi since life is less frantic and crime and traffic are greatly reduced.  But, with available flights between Loki and Nairobi decreasing, we knew we would need to rely more on outside air service, which would quickly become expensive if Breanna needed to make several trips to see a doctor.

Also, we realized that if Breanna needed to spend most of her time in bed, there would not be much point to us being in Loki.

God used the voice of many respected friends and we realized Nairobi offers us a chance to continue serving with AIM AIR, while having a large community of support around us and the best healthcare in the country.

So, our friends in Loki, the Hildebrandts, sent down our Christmas tree and the kid’s presents, and we celebrated Christmas in Nairobi.

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