Out of the Desert and Into the Swamp

By on Apr 29, 2016 in Uncategorized | 4 comments

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Hey, how’s it going? Good? I hope so.

I figured it was about time for another boring blog entry, about how I’ve been obsessing over video games, cute furry aliens, and the weather. Yeah, you know, just the usual stuff–Raven’s loud but cute and affectionate, Jinx is constantly escaping the yard and getting muddy, I’ve discovered the wonders of YouTube, and we have unlimited internet ’cause we moved to Nairobi.

Wait, did I just say that? WE MOVED TO NAIROBI. Oh, yes, just another boring little news flash. On another note…

Seriously, though. A few days after I last wrote–ten, I think–we celebrated my birthday! Yay! We went to Trackmark, swam, saw stuff on TV, ate pie and homemade ice cream… It was pretty great. I even cut myself on one of my presents. -_- AND I got an awesome present from my awesome neighbor and she named her awesome cats! Whew.

So, the day after my birthday, lacking anything better to do, my awesome neighbor and I painted a doorway and made a mess–but hey, we were helping Mom out! That night I got almost no sleep, thanks to Raven having to ‘sleep’ in our room… Of course, all he actually did was meow his head off. Of course, it could have been worse–I think at least one of my parents didn’t get ANY sleep. At all.

So when morning finally arrived, we loaded up and drove off, Jinx, Raven, Mr. Emaniman (oh, so that’s how you spell it–thanks, spell check!) and all. Raven continued to cry for pretty much the whole day, but I can hardly blame him–he was in a cage (never experienced that before), in a car (not that, either), stuck on a pile of luggage between his people (who were hating on him) and the dog (who was perfectly quiet and a wonderful passenger).

Eventually my brother got a good idea (surprise surprise!) and put the carrier on his lap. Raven hushed up after that–guess he just wanted to be where the people were. Isaiah threw up, Jack threw up, Raven got his carrier dirty… It was lovely. We saw a mongoose and finally arrive at our residence for the night, whereupon–surprise!–I threw up.

The next morning, we ate breakfast, Jinx hated on the monkeys, and we set off again. This trip was much better, since we let Raven out of his carrier. He was pretty content to lie between me and Isaiah on Jack’s seat, soaking up the attention. Jinx remained a model passenger, Isaiah forgot a word, we explored a hotel, and we ate good food.

The drive continued, and we listened to an audiobook, which really made the miles fly (why didn’t we do that the first day? Actually, don’t answer that). We stopped at some store place, where we got cheese and ICE CREAM! Yum. On to Delamere, where Jinx was afraid of people, even though the people, for once, didn’t mind him. We finally arrived at Nairobi, where I crashed in MY room. Forever. Permanently. For several years, at least (I hope). MY ROOM.

Astonishingly, all the pets settled in pretty well. Raven got stuck on the roof a number of times, but he enjoyed sleeping with me on occasion. Jinx eventually got over his fear and, even more eventually, befriended our neighbors’ dog. Titan… Well, Titan does the same stuff he did in our old home–walk, lie down, eat, lie down, steal Jinx’s bed and food, lie down. Stubborn old man. 🙂

Olivia spent a good amount of time with us, as well, since she was on school break. She helped me paint my room, which meant she really did most of the work. I finally mustered my bravery and watched some videos with out new internet, we got furniture… Life is good.

So. That’s about it. You dead of boredom yet?


Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.  ~Joshua 1:9, ESV


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