Merry Christmas. We’re going to give you our highlights for the year in seven short-ish videos.

As you might remember, in 2020, I accepted the role of General Manager and it’s been a great learning lesson for me. And I felt God had us go into that role specifically to develop his work through us and in us.
And so I’ve learned a lot, and a lot of that work initially was just financial survival for AIM AIR. As you remember with COVID, we stopped a lot of flying that we were normally doing a lot of our flying for expatriate missionaries coming to Kenya stopped when people weren’t traveling here.

Without flights we struggled to pay our bills.

But God provided through many of you and we were able to find some key financial partners to help us get through those years.

And the exciting thing now is we’ve started a renewed partnership with our A.I.M. U.S. office, and they have hired somebody who we know and love who is going to walk alongside us in that fundraising initiative, which is a huge relief for me as my plate has been filling up with other things and the fundraising parts of it are often pushed to the side. So I’m grateful to have some help on this and I’m grateful for where God is taking AIM AIR into the future.