Archive for: March 26th, 2012


Mar 26 2012 Published by under fourth week

Jack’s doing fantastic! Last night he weighed in at 2 lb 10 oz!
Friday he finished off his antibiotic course and so was able to have his PICC line removed -one less tube!
Jerry got to hold Jack for the first time, also on Friday.
Saturday Jack got to meet his Aunt Gweni (Jerry’s sister) and Uncle John.

He also got to make my Grandpa Dan’s day a little better…Grandma passed away on Wednesday night. Jack’s second 🙂 middle name is Daniel after Grandpa and my Dad.

Today big sister Olivia got to hold Jack for the first time and he stayed awake with wide eyes to gaze at her!

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Third Week (in pictures)

Mar 26 2012 Published by under Third Week


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