Immediate Needs { 2024 }

Give now to specific projects
Online Donations
Rent Project:

Purpose: Live closer to the children’s school (Rosslyn Academy).

Goal:  $10615 per year. Rent a house 5 minutes from the school.

Driving from the AIM compound to school takes between 45-90 minutes each way. Going to school becomes a whole day endeaver for the children starting at 7 am and ending at 4:30 pm, or even as late as 8pm if they are involved in after school activities. Breanna volunteers her time as a substitute teacher, as well as helping with after school activity, like the middle school play. It was a significant challenge to get to the school on time if she received a last minute call to come in. In July 2024, Breanna will start a full time teaching position for elementary school.

Housing costs more closer to the school, much beyond what our normal financial support level can afford. Africa Inland Mission has worked with us to setup this project to go direct to the additonal cost of rent for housing closer to the school.

Thank you for your investment in this project which will free up our day for more time as a family and focused on our ministry!



In the summer of 2017 we returned to the US for a year to help Olivia settle in to university life. That year showed us a lot about our family.

Breanna taught at a nearby Christian school, which meant we could afford sending Isaiah and Jack to the same school.  Breanna enjoyed getting back into teaching in a classroom, and the boys really flourished (struggled, caught up, and made friends). We really saw the value for the children to attend a school when we go back to Kenya this year. Breanna would love to teach at their school.

Thanks to your incredible generosity, we were  able to cover the missionary school tuition fees for two of three children. It has been thrilling to see Isaiah and Jack flourishing in a school environment. 

 Our first move closer to the school was during the height of the pandemic. Six months after that move, the entire yard around the house flooded.

God led us to a wonderful house just 5 minutes from school! Not only is it close to the school, it has an amazing yard full of birds and plants – it makes it easy to forget the business of living in Nairobi!


Isaiah will graduate in May 2024. Thank you to so many of you that have made that possible!

Thank you for all you have given and prayed for so the whole family can thrive here in Kenya!

Other Projects ~

  • Monthly Support (pledged) 100% 100%

We appreciate each of you who sacrifice your resources and support us. It allows us to continue living and serving in east and central Africa, and continually encourages us more than you will ever know!

  • Rent Project 29.5% 29.5%

Upcoming projects

These are needs we are needing help with – the paperwork for approving these as projects is not yet approved – so these projects are pending, but hopefully will be approved soon.

Vehicle Project

 Target: $6500

We mentioned in our 2023 Christmas update that our faithful Land Cruiser has been deemed un-road-worthy by the government in Kenya. We are working through the legal issues that led them to determine that. [We still have the official logbook (or title) and the investigative department of the police issued a report that the identification numbers are all correct – so we are confused].

However, in the meantime, we are looking to buy a replacement vehicle until we can get this sorted out. 

Industry association membership

Target: $500 / year

Shooting the breeze, networking, comparing notes … not necessarily my strong suite – but it comes with the chair I occupy – General Manager.

Other aviation organizations, and the Civil Aviation Authority, often say they wish they knew more about what AIM AIR does. A membership to the Aero Club of East Africa provides a connection point between industry professionals and AIM AIR.

It may not the same as flying Bible students, or a medical evacuation. It is still a ministry opportunity – a chance to share why AIM AIR exists to others in the aviation industry in Nairobi. It will also help AIM AIR stay current on issues affecting aviation in this part of the world.

Click Here to Give Online

Backup Power System

Target: $10,000

Electricity in our neighborhood has become increasingly unreliable. For the next two to three years heavy earth moving equipment are widening the roads, which often leads to unexpected power cuts.

This project would provide solar panels, backup batteries, and electronic equipment to allow us to be less dependant on the electrical grid here. It would be “temporary” so the equipment could move with us when we move to another location.

Not only will this provide reliable electricity, it will also greatly reduce our electricity bill – which is our largest utility we pay by far.