Out of the Desert and Into the Swamp

By on Apr 29, 2016 in Uncategorized | 4 comments

Hey, how’s it going? Good? I hope so. I figured it was about time for another boring blog entry, about how I’ve been obsessing over video games, cute furry aliens, and the weather. Yeah, you know, just the usual stuff–Raven’s loud but cute and affectionate, Jinx is constantly escaping the yard and getting muddy, I’ve discovered the wonders of YouTube, and we have unlimited internet ’cause we moved to Nairobi. Wait, did I just say that? WE MOVED TO NAIROBI. Oh, yes, just another boring little news flash. On another note… Seriously, though. A few days after I last wrote–ten, I think–we celebrated my birthday! Yay! We went to Trackmark, swam, saw stuff on TV, ate pie and homemade ice cream… It was pretty great. I even cut myself on one of my presents. -_- AND I got an awesome present from my awesome neighbor and she named her...

What’s Easter, Anyway?

By on Mar 27, 2016 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

‘Ello, peoples! I have returned–and don’t you just love the new format? 🙂 So, today’s Easter, apparently. I know this because at our lovely airport church today, my dad gave a sermon about Easter and all the goes along with it… Starting over again, and all that jazz, or something like that. He used my brother and a broken camping chair to further illustrate, as I recall. And yes, Dad, I would not trust that chair. I also know because I was just at an Easter lunch, which tasted delicious but was ruined, for me, by the conversation. How was it ruined? Something to do with grown-ups discussing the death of kittens. WHY!?! WHY MUST YOU EVEN TALK ABOUT SUCH THINGS!?! Sure, there are a lot of cats, but I, personally, think we should value life, all life, especially at this time of year. It was especially upsetting because I know those kittens, and knew their...

FINALLY FINI-I-I-I-I-I-I-ISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By on Feb 18, 2016 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Olloho, people of da worlds!!!!!!! Why am I using so many exclamation points, you ask!?!!!!!!!!!!! WELL, I answer, BECAUSE. It. Is. Finally. FINI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-ISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no, my computer does not have asthma. It’s probably… out of breath… from yelling… So… MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! So, what is it I have finished? None other then that annoying, crazy book that is NOT a fan-fiction and I’m not actually sure what to call it! Sound good? Yeah, didn’t think so. But hey, on the plus side, it’s got aliens with color-changing horns and hair, and pink, and fiery swords of doom, and people yelling at each other! I don’t know about you, but that sounds at least a little fun to me! Besides that, there’s been Valentine’s Day and… wait for it… STAR WARS!!!!! Like, actual Star Wars! Completely-unlike-my-book...

What Should I Call This?

By on Jan 30, 2016 in Uncategorized | 5 comments

Salvete! And yes, I just looked up that random Latin phrase! No idea if it’s correct or not… Maybe I should have used a language I ACTUALLY KNOW. Anyway. It’s been… well, it’s been a while, as usual. As for the title, I am completely out of creativity. Oh well… Since my last post, we’ve celebrated Christmas (yay!), New Years (woo-hoo!), and started school again (bleh). Besides this, our neighbor’s cats have possibly been breeding again, our other neighbors have an infestation of some kind of venomous snake (what else would it be?), and my wonderful, adorable, sweet Jinx has attacked a random lady. NO, he is not rabid, he is just easily riled up. You see, people here are scared of dogs, and Jinx isn’t very well trained (yes, yes, I know, my fault). So he came over all like, “Hey, what are you doing in MY territory?” and...


By on Dec 12, 2015 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

Forgive me, oh cyber peoples! It has been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time… Again, please, forgive me! I really did mean to write more recently, but alas, I am forgetful and lazy. But enough of that–let me tell you what has happened! For starters, I managed to finish Anima just in time! Woo-hoo! Unfortunately, that means it’s now time for the tough part–editing. Ugh! For another, I have recently become obsessed with a show meant for younger kids (such as my brothers). I’m not going to name it, due to my immense amount of shame and embarrassment, but it’s awesomesauce. We have also enjoyed a spider-y vacation, complete with earlier mentioned kid show watched repeatedly, not to mention an awesome hyrax siting. To top it all off, we had biscuits and gravy and went to a game park–now aren’t you jealous, sister o’ mine? We also celebrated...


By on Oct 22, 2015 in Uncategorized | 15 comments

Hello, wonderful amazing personages of the interweb! And no, interweb is not a word! 😛 So, have you been enjoying yee selves? Hopefully so! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you all some exciting things! First of all, I have decided what book to write. It shall be… *drumroll, please* ANIMA! What is Anima about, you ask? Well, I answer, it’s about some of my favorite things: animals and MAGIC! Oh yeah! Another thing is, I have recently been to a very wonderful place that is like a mix of the cradle of mankind and the beach, and there have seen… A FRIEND! Named… SAM! And she is amazing and funny and has really good ideas for how to waste time. 😛 Want to steal these amazing ideas? Well, here are some of the things we did: *talk about books *talk about randomness *ate stuff *made up ridiculous one-word stories (though I suppose you could say that was originally...