Olloho, people of da worlds!!!!!!! Why am I using so many exclamation points, you ask!?!!!!!!!!!!! WELL, I answer, BECAUSE. It. Is. Finally. FINI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-ISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no, my computer does not have asthma. It’s probably… out of breath… from yelling… So… MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! So, what is it I have finished? None other then that annoying, crazy book that is NOT a fan-fiction and I’m not actually sure what to call it! Sound good? Yeah, didn’t think so. But hey, on the plus side, it’s got aliens with color-changing horns and hair, and pink, and fiery swords of doom, and people yelling at each other! I don’t know about you, but that sounds at least a littleĀ fun to me! Besides that, there’s been Valentine’s Day and… wait for it… STAR WARS!!!!! Like, actual Star Wars! Completely-unlike-my-book...