Hello, wonderful amazing personages of the interweb! And no, interweb is not a word! 😛 So, have you been enjoying yee selves? Hopefully so! Anyway, I just wanted to tell you all some exciting things! First of all, I have decided what book to write. It shall be… *drumroll, please* ANIMA! What is Anima about, you ask? Well, I answer, it’s about some of my favorite things: animals and MAGIC! Oh yeah! Another thing is, I have recently been to a very wonderful place that is like a mix of the cradle of mankind and the beach, and there have seen… A FRIEND! Named… SAM! And she is amazing and funny and has really good ideas for how to waste time. 😛 Want to steal these amazing ideas? Well, here are some of the things we did: *talk about books *talk about randomness *ate stuff *made up ridiculous one-word stories (though I suppose you could say that was originally...