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Following the Nile

Following the Nile

A few years ago one of our Cessna 206 airplanes stopped producing electrical energy to charge the battery. The pilot, flying over the swamps of South Sudan, knew he was hours from the capital city and decided to power off as much equipment as he could, including the GPS. He flew most of the way back using his compass, watch, and pilotage.

Fortunately, he could readily turn to and follow the world’s longest river, the Nile.

I noticed a clue AIM AIR was off course 12 years ago. A seasoned American missionary asked the question that haunts me to this day. “Why are you driving with us all the way up here [into a remote region of South Sudan] to survey an airstrip? We won’t be putting any western missionaries in this location.”

The river was bending.

6 years since

6 years since

we landed at Indianapolis airport, drove to the hospital, and this miracle happened: We're living with a very active reminder of God caring for us, through many friends who gave so much, prayed so often, and encouraged greatly. It's hard to believe that was six years...

Cruise Check

A little over four months ago we arrived back in Kenya. Our luggage, stuffed with books, baby supplies, and even Isaiah's new bicycle made it, too, without getting lost. That was surprising, considering how eventful the trip was... the travel agent put us on two...

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