The Countdown Has Started

By on May 28, 2017 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Y’all ready!?! Go and get yourself together, there’s no time to rest! And if you put the time in, I’ll put you to the test– ah, forget it.

I’m actually doing this ON TIME! Goooooooo me! Woo-hoo! Okay, calming down. Since last time on Grace’z Place…

We still don’t have any idea what to do with our pets, even though we’re leaving in less than two weeks. Esh. (That’s a word, by the way.) I’m still a weirdo who does nothing. We did our play, it went great! My costume was AWESOME. Maybe I’ll put a picture somewhere or something. (So professional today!)

We got a new game, so I’ve been playing that a lot. And I actually have done some pre-writing nonsense, so I’ve got that going for me! Mom’s been kind enough to scan some things for me, so I might show you guys (assuming you are guys. Or that there’s more than one of you, for that matter). We also did ESW, though it was in a different place than usual. Is… is that the right use of “than”? Ah well…

Besides that, we had a barbecue last night. I personally am not big on barbecues, probably due to not being great with people. The food, on the other hand, I am all for! Especially with all that fruit we had! I love fruit. It’s healthy, maybe, and it tastes good, and grapes start with “G”, much like me. Except “me” doesn’t start with “g”, “Grace” does. You know what? Never mind.

So. I haven’t been doing much. We’ve done some packing. Yeah.



Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. ~Romans 5:7-8, NIV

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