Rest In Pieces

By on Apr 29, 2017 in Uncategorized | 4 comments

Long time, no see! Or long time, no write, I suppose. It’s… actually not been as long as I thought, so that’s a pleasant surprise! Regardless, I really am going to try to write on here more regularly. Really! So, since last time, I have done almost NOTHING to do with Through the Door other than some sketches. In fact, I haven’t done anything to do with writing. Instead, I’ve been watching YouTube, reading comics (and books too, occasionally), playing video games, and sometimes interacting with people. Co-op marches on, and I’ve got my script memorized and know most of the songs. My costumes looking pretty great, too! I have an obsession with music and making playlists for my books (in theory, I’ll listen to them while I write, but again, I haven’t been writing.) My wonderful older sister, ‘Livia, has actually left the country and is...