By on Sep 26, 2015 in Uncategorized | 3 comments

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Ah, amazing superhighway associates!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! And aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! And AAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What am I AAAAAAH-ing about, you wonder? Well, as you may know, OCTOBER is (nearly) upon us, and that means–AAAAAAAH!-NOVEMBER!

What’s so scary about November, you may ask. Well, besides Thanksgiving (ha ha ha, I am hilarious) and my sister getting out of school (aaaaaaaaaaaah!) and conference (what!?! But homeschool week was, like, yesterday!), there is–oh no!–NANOWRIMO! And as you surely know by now, NaNoWriMo is extremely TERRIFYING and amazingly FUN and an all-out EXTRAVANGAZA! Well, not really, but ah well.

Is there anything else making me AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!? Well, certainly not a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE I HAD A DAY OR SO AGO!

Okay, so it wasn’t that near, but it was still terrifyingly awesomely scary. See, I was petting one of our neighbors’ cats (so soft and pretty–the cat, not our neighbors, though they’re certainly very nice), when suddenly some nearby leaves moved. My first thought was, A mouse! I hope the cat gets it! (Clear sign that I read too much Warriors). I guess Panther had a similar thought, because next thing I know, she’s moving towards the spot where the leaves moved. She made some noise going over a bit of wood, and the leaves stopped moving.

Panther kind of froze for a long time, just crouched there. I was just about ready to go back inside when she pounced, and the next thing I knew, I saw this long, whitish, scaly tail. No mouse has scales that I know of. This thing was a snake.

Alright, so it got through the fence. But I no doubt would have stepped on it on my way out if it weren’t for Panther (and the time I spent petting her, hee hee hee). So, anything else terrifying me? No, not really.

Well, I guess I better go work on Bat-Ear (which is almost finished, I mean what!?!) or play a video game or something. Oh, one last thing–be sure to vote on what book I should write for NaNoWriMo!


Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains.  ~James 5:7, ESV


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