Here Again, There Again

By on Nov 13, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

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Hello again, surfers of the web!

I mentioned in my last post that we were going to Nairobi (I think I did, anyway). Well, we DID go to Nairobi, ate some yummy stuff, and then we went to my sister’s school! We stayed there for two nights and a shower, not to mention that Olivia’s play was wonderful and the church service we went to was great! Then we stayed at the Guesthouse-Of-Great-Butter, and then flew back to Loki where I am now! While there were sorrows (I had lost two days’ work of my book! I caught up again, though), it was really fun. I especially enjoyed the coolness. Now, in a couple hundred days (in my perspective), we shall return for a conference and see Olivia again! And have Thanksgiving! Yay! And, of course, there will be Christmas after that, and then a book in my FAVORITE BOOK SERIES IN THE WORLD will come out! So, I am very excited. 😀 Well, I’ve got to turn off a fan, so write to you later,



I will give to the Lord the thanks due to his righteousness, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High. Psalm 7:17

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