Pasta la vista, Nairobi!

By on Oct 13, 2014 in Uncategorized | 1 comment

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As it says: Pasta la vista, Nairobi and your people!
I am actually kind of sad to be flying up and out of the big city and returning to home (for a day, anyway). It IS nice here–unlimited internet (I’m loading an internet game now), lot of people, and the COOLNESS (literally). And, I’m not a fan of airplanes, oddly enough, since my father is a pilot. At least we’re (hopefully) not going in the 206. Anyway, I am kind of excited to see our puppy (I call most dogs puppies) and our kitten (she’s beautiful!). And of course there are our fun-full neighbors, and the excitement of going on a retreat in South Sudan. Sadly, we are leaving today, BEFORE Olivia’s midterm is over! :O Luckily, she has friends in cold places, and they will gladly take her out to do fun things until she has to return to school. Here’s something else fun–I have a LEGO dragon! He is… Awesome. Just… Awesome. Technically, he’s a christmas present, but I get to play with him until Mom’s ready for him to be wrapped up. So, I already know he’s a LOT of fun! Also, something else exciting: NaNoWriMo approaches! NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, is a sort of writing contest in November where you try to write a novel in a month and meet your word count goal. Also, you get to post on forums, make writing buddies, and feed Word Count Dragons. It’s a lot of fun, and I can’t wait to start writing! Well, I guess I should probably stop now. Hey, these are almost enough words to feed my word count pets! Cool! ;D

1 Comment

  1. Rosie R

    October 13, 2014

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    Hey, Grace! Awesome website. All it needs now is a place where you can post all you awesome songs…=)

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